Lögfræðileg þjónusta
Our companys legal service Department, provides our customers with a safe guarantee throughout the sales process. A qualified lawyer monitors the interests of our clients and makes all the necessary legal checks before making payments or signing contracts and ensuring that:
The property is debt free, free from other fees and there are no burdens and also that all payments are up to date. | Title deeds are made correctly | Trade-related documents are registered with the authorities | Trade-related taxes and other charges are in accordance with the law | Advice is provided for the treatment of taxes that will be paid later. | In addition, we provide assistance in mandatory trade related issues such as the NIE number (Aliens Identity Number). |
If you are going to live in Spain, a lawyer will also help you and your family
A permanent residence permit (Residencia) | Signing up as a resident | A National Health Card (SIP) that allows you to access the Spanish health care system. Holders of this card are entitled to the same treatment as Spanish citizens. |