Ref.: JJ0157-D
M2 91m2 Svefnherbergi 2 Baðherbergi 2 Samfélag Samfélag
Frá 329.000€
Inform verð falla
Svefnherbergi: 2
Baðherbergi: 2
Byggir: 91m2
Ert þú elda: 1
Innbyggður-í fataskápum: 2
Orka Einkunn: B
Smíðaár: 2024
Stefnumörkun: South
Svalir: 61 m2
Fjarlægð til ströndinni: 200 Mts.
Fjarlægð til flugvallar: 44 Km.
Fjarlægð tómstundir: 0 Km.
Fjarlægð á golfvellinum: 13 Km.
Armarios empotrados
Armarios empotrados
Cocina office
Cocina office
Orka Einkunn

Located on C/ Ramón Gallud, about 200 meters from Del Cura beach.

The residential complex in the center of Torrevieja close to schools, parks, shops, restaurants and market. The apartments are equipped according to the latest trends. The finishing and construction materials are of the highest quality and from the leading manufacturers in the market.

The building is divided into 12 apartments. The kitchens are equipped with electrical appliances and with a premium stone «Silverstone». The bedrooms have a built-in wardrobe, underfloor heating in the bathroom and electric shutters throughout the apartment.

Reikna lán


  • £: 276.650 GBP
  • Rússneska rúbla: 276.650 RUB
  • Svissneskur franki: 314.425 CHF
  • Kínverska Yuan: 2.584.657 CNY
  • Dollar: 357.195 USD
  • Sænska króna: 3.609.624 SEK
  • Norska kóróna: 3.868.711 NOK