Ref.: JJ015
M2 175m2 M2 414m2 Svefnherbergi 2 Baðherbergi 1 Samfélag Samfélag Einkamál Einkamál
Frá 200.000€
Inform verð falla
Svefnherbergi: 2
Baðherbergi: 1
Byggir: 175m2
Söguþráður: 414m2
Ert þú elda: 1
Innbyggður-í fataskápum: 2
Orka Einkunn: B
Stefnumörkun: South
Fjarlægð til ströndinni: 18 Km.
Fjarlægð til flugvallar: 21 Km.
Fjarlægð tómstundir: 5 Km.
Fjarlægð á golfvellinum: 15 Km.
Armarios empotrados
Orka Einkunn

This unusual design has three bedrooms and two bathrooms. The living room includes a tower feature and patiodoors leading onto the covered porch.

This country residential estate is located in one of the most beautiful areas of the Region of Murcia. It is at the foot of the hills, it boasts an environment of nature reserves, beachesand forests.

With easy access to the north-south motorway just a shortdrive away. Within minutes you can be lazing at the beach in Mazarron, shopping in Cartagena,playing golf at Hacienda el Alamo, enjoying the Mar Menor or collecting family from the new air-port in Corvera.

The complex boasts its own clubhouse and swimmingpools. There is also a huge range of activities to be en-joyed in the area, just a few of which are hill walking,horse riding, sailing, diving, cycling, and many othersports.

Rustic designs combined with top quality materials and a focus on comfortable living space there is something for everyone.

Reikna lán


  • £: 168.176 GBP
  • Rússneska rúbla: 168.176 RUB
  • Svissneskur franki: 191.140 CHF
  • Kínverska Yuan: 1.571.220 CNY
  • Dollar: 217.140 USD
  • Sænska króna: 2.194.300 SEK
  • Norska kóróna: 2.351.800 NOK