Ref.: JJ004
M2 231m2 Svefnherbergi 3 Baðherbergi 2 Samfélag Samfélag Einkamál Einkamál
Frá 330.000€
Inform verð falla
Svefnherbergi: 3
Baðherbergi: 2
Söguþráður: 231m2
Ert þú elda: 1
Innbyggður-í fataskápum: 3
Orka Einkunn: Í ferli
Stefnumörkun: South
Fjarlægð til ströndinni: 12 Km.
Fjarlægð til flugvallar: 66 Km.
Fjarlægð tómstundir: 2 Km.
Fjarlægð á golfvellinum: 16 Km.
Armarios empotrados
Cocina office
Orka Einkunn
Í ferli

An incomparable natural environment at the foot of Mount Ponoig. 

Surrounded by pine trees and guarded by Monte de Ponoig, the offers you the perfect combination of security, well-being and nature. 

Building for community uses, with a large swimming pool, children's play area, space for electric bicycles with a charging system, photovoltaic energy, and much more. 

Fully protected urbanization with a security and surveillance system so that you only worry about enjoying your home. 

Your safety and that of your loved ones guaranteed by a fully fenced and closed residential area.

Reikna lán


  • £: 277.490 GBP
  • Rússneska rúbla: 277.490 RUB
  • Svissneskur franki: 315.381 CHF
  • Kínverska Yuan: 2.592.513 CNY
  • Dollar: 358.281 USD
  • Sænska króna: 3.620.595 SEK
  • Norska kóróna: 3.880.470 NOK