Ref.: JJ0003
M2 203m2 Svefnherbergi 3 Baðherbergi 2 Samfélag Samfélag Einkamál Einkamál
Frá 310.000€
Inform verð falla
Svefnherbergi: 3
Baðherbergi: 2
Söguþráður: 203m2
Ert þú elda: 1
Innbyggður-í fataskápum: 3
Orka Einkunn: B
Stefnumörkun: South
Fjarlægð til ströndinni: 12 Km.
Fjarlægð til flugvallar: 66 Km.
Fjarlægð tómstundir: 2 Km.
Fjarlægð á golfvellinum: 16 Km.
Armarios empotrados
Cocina office
Orka Einkunn

An incomparable natural environment at the foot of Mount Ponoig.

 Surrounded by pine trees and guarded by Monte de Ponoig, the residencial offers you the perfect combination of security, well-being and nature.

 Building for community uses, with a large swimming pool, children's play area, space for electric bicycles with a charging system, photovoltaic energy, and much more.

 Fully protected urbanization with a security and surveillance system so that you only worry about enjoying your home.

 Your safety and that of your loved ones guaranteed by a fully fenced and closed residential area.

Reikna lán


  • £: 260.673 GBP
  • Rússneska rúbla: 260.673 RUB
  • Svissneskur franki: 296.267 CHF
  • Kínverska Yuan: 2.435.391 CNY
  • Dollar: 336.567 USD
  • Sænska króna: 3.401.165 SEK
  • Norska kóróna: 3.645.290 NOK