Ref.: JJ0124-D
M2 102m2 Svefnherbergi 3 Baðherbergi 2 Samfélag Samfélag Einkamál Einkamál
Frá 399.900€
Inform verð falla
Svefnherbergi: 3
Baðherbergi: 2
Byggir: 102m2
Ert þú elda: 1
Innbyggður-í fataskápum: 3
Orka Einkunn: B
Stefnumörkun: South
Svalir: 23 m2
Fjarlægð til ströndinni: 5 Km.
Fjarlægð til flugvallar: 32 Km.
Fjarlægð tómstundir: 4 Km.
Fjarlægð á golfvellinum: 1,5 Km.
Armarios empotrados
Armarios empotrados
Cocina office
Cocina office
Orka Einkunn

Promotion of 6 EXCLUSIVE blocks of 7 LUXURY apartments, a total of 42 UNIQUE homes.

The houses are 3/2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms with views of the large lake and green areas of this great luxury resort.

Excellent interior qualities and exterior architecture in keeping with the aesthetics of the 21st century, six avant-garde blocks distributed among promenades, green areas, a swimming pool and private parking.

The residential has excellent qualities capable of satisfying the most demanding. We want you to be proud of your new home even before you step inside it. Everything designed for your comfort and enjoyment.

A location where you will find an intimate, cozy and carefree space. With a careful offer of services designed to live all year round or enjoy your property during the holidays.

Reikna lán


  • £: 336.268 GBP
  • Rússneska rúbla: 336.268 RUB
  • Svissneskur franki: 382.184 CHF
  • Kínverska Yuan: 3.141.654 CNY
  • Dollar: 434.171 USD
  • Sænska króna: 4.387.503 SEK
  • Norska kóróna: 4.702.424 NOK